work platform ladder is delivered by Suzhou Anta Scaffold Engineering Co., LTD with the customer focus - 'Quality First'. Our commitment to its quality is evident from our Total Quality Management program. We have set global standards to qualify for International Standard ISO 9001 certification. And high quality materials are selected to ensure its the quality from the source.
Toweran brand is gaining more influence in recent years. We strive to expand the brand to the international market through different marketing methods. For example, by distributing trial products and launching new products online and offline each year, we have cultivated a large number of loyal followers and win customers' trust.
Since there is a direct correlation between the repurchasing rate of customers and the quality of customer service, we are trying our best to invest in great workers. We believe what matters most is the service quality the people provide. Hence, we required our customer service team to be a good listener, to spend more time on the problems that customers are really saying at Anta Scaffolding.